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Edmonton city nightlife on Whyte Avenue

Brand Guidelines

Read our Consumer Brand Guide to help align your content with Travel Alberta’s brand, strategy, feel and tone.

Tip: Don’t forget that Travel Alberta has many photo and video assets available to use to supplement your own work, available in the Multimedia Library. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email us and we may be able to help.

Consumer Brand Guide


As a Crown Corporation, Travel Alberta has certain requirements regarding vendor expenses. We have created some vendor guidelines and templates to help you when submitting your invoices. By following these guidelines, we will be able to more efficiently process your payments. Please note that Travel Alberta is GST-exempt.

Please email your invoice to your Travel Alberta project manager and copy

Vendor Expense Guidelines

Expense TemplateSample Invoice Template

GST + HST Exemption Letter

Alt Hotel reception, Calgary

Content Deliverables and Metadata

Below are guides to our preferred camera settings and deliverables.

Video Camera Settings & Deliverables

Photo Camera Settings & Deliverables

Social Media Image Sizes Reference Guide

Please complete the below metadata sheet when submitting your deliverables.

Metadata Template

Beginner ice climbing with Girth Hitch Guiding

Article Resources

This list of resources will help you ensure your writing is aligned with Travel Alberta’s brand voice and best practices for web writing. 

Article Metadata Template

Evans Hunt Web Writing Guide

Model & Property Release Form and Liability Waiver

Travel Alberta must have a signed Model and Property Release form and Liability Waiver for every person and privately owned location that appears in our paid marketing activities. Make sure to submit signed release forms to your Travel Alberta representative.

Tip: Get prepared by downloading this form ahead of time and encouraging everyone to review and sign before shooting.

For people/property that are prominently featured in our content, use our standard release form below.

Model & Property Release + Waiver

For people featured in the background of our content, please use the general release form below.

General Release Form

Delta Gardens near the Peace Bridge in Calgary
Jasper Tour Company

Media Guide/Producer Code of Conduct

All media guides and/or producers must complete and submit a Code of Conduct document before a trip/production.

Please submit your form to your Travel Alberta project manager.

Media Guide & Producer Code of Conduct