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Travel Alberta Mandate

Travel Alberta is mandated to:

  • market the tourism assets, attractions and opportunities present in Alberta in domestic, national, and international markets;
  • promote the development and growth of the tourism industry in Alberta to increase revenue and employment in, and the economic benefits generated by, the industry,
  • promote Alberta as a destination for tourists and other visitors;
  • assist Alberta communities and tourism industry operators to develop and market their products;
  • provide visitor services; and
  • exercise or perform any other powers, duties and functions authorized under subsection (8).

Commitee Purpose

This may include:

  • Advice and input for consideration to Travel Alberta’s 3-year business plan, and related annual tactics
  • Advice and input into strategies pursued across the business and key challenges faced by the organization.
  • Providing industry-specific perspectives on business challenges, impacts of decisions and suggestions for improvement.

Meeting topics may include:

Marketing and International Markets

  • Information on Travel Alberta’s proposed priorities and activities as they relate to marketing and international markets.
  • Insights and market intelligence necessary for Alberta to achieve its tourism goals.
  • Discussions about how to address business needs through regional, national, and international marketing.
  • Insights on business development through travel trade in existing and emerging markets Alberta should be considering.

Access and Product Development

  • Travel Alberta’s proposed priorities and activities as they relate to product development and access.
  • Access and product development issues and opportunities.
  • Investment or resources required for tourism businesses to further develop new products.
  • Alberta’s access strategy to drive more visitation into Alberta from key source markets, and required expansion and/or enhancements needed to increase transportation solutions throughout the province,

Roles and Responsibilites

The Committee will:

  • Provide advice, intelligence, and insights to Travel Alberta management in accordance with the committee purpose.
  • Provide a link to stakeholders and provide an industry voice related to tourism issues and opportunities with regional and provincial perspectives.
  • Act as a sounding board in the development of strategies and programs to support Alberta’s visitor economy and the businesses and communities that are essential to its success.
  • Act as ambassadors and a positive force in fostering industry understanding of Travel Alberta’s objectives, priorities and activities and assist in involving more stakeholders and securing increased support for Travel Alberta, the Alberta brand, and initiatives.
  • Ensure alignment of Travel Alberta’s work with Indigenous communities with Indigenous Tourism Alberta and the Indigenous Tourism Industry of Canada.
  • Ensure sustainable and responsible tourism growth strategies are implemented or considered.

Selection Process

Candidates for the Committee are selected based on their sector representation, knowledge, and experience in Alberta’s tourism industry. Geographic location and member diversity will be considered in the selection process.

The Committee will each be composed of no more than 20 members.

Committee membership is determined by a selection process facilitated by Travel Alberta management and approved by the CEO. Appointment to the committee is done on an individual, not corporate basis. Membership is non-transferable.

Committee members will incur travel expenses for meetings; Travel Alberta will provide meals and refreshments as required during the meeting itself.

Member Profile

We are looking for individuals who:

  • Own or lead a tourism-based business that provides experiences for regional, national, and international travellers. Businesses must have direct revenue generation capacity.
  • Have experience in and knowledge of the visitor economy on international, national, and provincial scales.
  • Understand the sectors and opportunities in the region from which they are chosen and has direct experience in one or more of the areas of focus for the Committee.
  • Desire to contribute to Travel Alberta’s objectives in a meaningful way, including prioritizing time for Committee meetings and review of materials.

Term of Committee Membership

Members will be appointed for either a two or three-year term, at Travel Alberta’s sole discretion. Terms will be staggered to ensure a smooth annual turnover of Committee members with no term to exceed four years.

No substitution of members will be allowed and Committee members who do not attend two consecutive meetings may be requested to resign.

In exceptional circumstances, Travel Alberta, on the advice of the organization that nominated the member, may grant extended leave to a member who will miss two or more consecutive meetings for reasons beyond the member’s control.

Committee Operations

Travel Alberta will provide administrative support to the Committee.

Meeting Schedule

The Committees will meet twice yearly (once in-person and once virtually), in spring and fall.


The Committee Chair or their designate will coordinate communication between Travel Alberta, the Committee and tourism stakeholders in Alberta and support Committee members in their role as ambassadors for Alberta’s tourism industry.