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Dive into the depths of Grotto Mountain’s Rat Nest Cave and discover the beauty that lies underneath the bustling mountain town of Canmore. Named after the cave’s long-term residents the busy-tailed wood rats, Rats Nest Cave is a geologic wonder that not only stays a balmy five degrees all year round (even during Alberta’s coldest days), but has been preserved in its natural state, with no structural additions, since the first adventurers explored it in the 1970s.

No matter the tour guests take part in, they’re in for a wild ride of stalactites and stalagmites, 7000-year-old bones, wildlife of all sizes and lakes the colour of clear gemstones.

For owner Adam Walker, the benefits of caving go beyond the physical experience and wonderous sites you see, with many guests sharing the transformational power of disconnecting from the world, pushing their limits and overcoming fears and challenges with a group of strangers cheering for you. This is why the preserving the longevity and integrity of the cave to ensure it’s around for generations to come is one of Adam’s goals as an owner.

“One thing that is unique about our experience is that I don’t just have to be concerned about the experience we offer to guests, but I have this very unique, sensitive environment that I have to protect, that I’m responsible for.” – Adam Walker, Owner, Canmore Cave Tours.

In 2007 after a few years abroad, Adam Walker joined the Canmore Cave Tour team as a guide. When the previous owners, renowned climber Chas Yonge and his wife Pam, decided to retire in 2013 Adam took on the company and has never looked back. Taking over ownership of a tourism business is a daunting task for anyone so Adam tapped into Travel Alberta’s destination development manager Cameron Spence for support. In addition to joining a series of programs for tourism businesses in Alberta, Adam leveraged Cam’s mentorship and industry knowledge to help him navigate his new responsibilities as he balanced a busy summer season, a once-in-a-lifetime flood and ambitious company goals.


My experience with Travel Alberta was so positive that I helped a lot of people move that direction. Any time I met a new business, someone that was just getting started in the tourism industry it was simply just go talk to Travel Alberta, they’ll get you started.

Adam Walker, Owner, Canmore Cave Tours

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