Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | GDP as a result of tourism expenditures includes the amount spent on goods and services in Alberta tourism-related businesses, minus spending by those businesses on goods and services from outside the province in a single year. For example, we would include the spend at an Alberta restaurant, minus the amount that restaurant spent on supplies outside of Alberta. | |
| In Alberta, these are the total sales taxes (GST), income tax and levy collected as a result of direct, indirect and induced effects of tourism. | |
| Economic impact includes the effects of direct, indirect and induced revenue as a result of the Alberta tourism industry. | |
| Direct effects include things like the amount spent on goods and services in tourism-related businesses (minus the amount spent on goods and services by those businesses outside of Alberta), the sales tax collected as a result of that spend, and tourism businesses’ employees’ income tax. | |
| Indirect effects include the amount tourism businesses spend on supplies from supporting businesses, and the sales tax on those supplies. They also include supporting businesses’ employees’ income tax, and goods and services purchased resulting from tourism and supporting businesses’ employee income. | |
Active Tourism Businesses | Businesses that have reported having one or more employees in any given month. (monthly data) | |
| Number of civilian, non-institutionalized persons 15 years of age and over who, during the reference week, were employed or unemployed. Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred. Total labour Force = Employment + Unemployment | |
| Sum of labour force for all five distinct but related industry groups. Includes the number of individuals who are employed in tourisms plus the total number of unemployed individuals seeking work whose last job (within one calendar year) was in tourism. Tourism Labour force = Tourism employment + Tourism unemployment | |
| Number of persons who, during the reference week, worked for pay or profit, or performed unpaid family work or had a job but were not at work due to own illness or disability, personal or family responsibilities, labour dispute, vacation, or other reason. Those persons on layoff and persons without work but who had a job to start at a definite date in the future are not considered employed. Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred | |
| Unused supply of labour in the labour force. Number of persons who, during the reference week, were without work, had looked for work in the past four weeks, and were available for work. Those persons on layoff or who had a new job to start in four weeks or less are considered unemployed. Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred. | |
| Measures unemployment and is expressed as a percentage of the total labour force. The unemployment rate for a particular group (age, sex, marital status, etc.) is the number unemployed in that group expressed as a percentage of the labour force for that group. Estimates are percentages, rounded to the nearest tenth. Unemployment rate = number of unemployed people / Total labour force | |
| Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week at their main or only job. Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred. | |
| Number of persons who, during the reference week, were without work, had looked for work in the past four weeks, and were available for work. Those persons on layoff or who had a new job to start in four weeks or less are considered unemployed. Estimates in thousands, rounded to the nearest hundred. | |
| The total amount same-day and overnight visitors to Alberta are spending for any goods and services related to their trip. | |
| The number of people that have travelled 40km or more and either stayed overnight (overnight visitor) or returned home that day (same day visitors). | |
| The average amount a visitor spent on goods and services related to their trip. | |
| Length of stay for travellers, measured in days, OR the average number of days a traveller would have stayed during their trip. | |
| The number of people who travelled on airlines to Alberta, including direct and indirect flights. | |
| The number of seats airlines plan to offer on direct flights to Alberta. | |
| The percentage of available rooms sold within a specified time. (Demand/Supply)*100 | |
| The average rate paid for rooms sold. (Revenue/Demand) | |
Revenue Per Available Room (RevPar) | The average revenue hotels make for rooms sold. (Revenue/Supply) | |
| The number of out-of-province travellers considering visiting Alberta in the next year, plus the number of international travellers considering visiting Alberta in the next 2 years. | |